Client Reviews and Testimonials
Below are some recent client reviews, feedback and testimonials from my clients.
“I wanted to thank you so much for all your help. After twenty years of panic and anxiety the work that we did has really changed my life. Since our last sessions I’ve been feeling completely fine for ages. But last week I had some upsetting news and the old anxiety feeling seemed to start rising again. You’ll be pleased to hear that I dealt with it and was not overwhelmed. Thanks to the work we did I now have a way to cope and no longer fear it. Thank you so much.”
L A, Anxiety/Panic Attacks
“Thank you, Trish, for the excellent BWRT session we had recently. You helped me to clearly identify past successes on which I will be able to build the success I am looking for in my future.
The therapy has given me a new found confidence in my ability to reach the long term goals I had set myself and allowed me to put ideas into practice rather than leave them on the “drawing board”.
I feel a new person with no room for doubts. I would be happy to recommend your services. Regards, Alison.”
Alison F, Performance Enhancement
“Having hypnotherapy to deal with my underlying anxiety was one of the best decisions I have made. It had been part of my life since my teens but got steadily worse once I was working in a demanding environment. I always feel the need to push myself hard at work but would be consumed with anxiety in the days leading up to a big meeting or whenever I felt under pressure to perform. In the hypnotherapy sessions I felt so comfortable and safe, and after the session so relaxed. It has hugely improved my confidence and when I look back I’m amazed at the difference now in the way I feel – relaxed and prepared but no longer anxious.”
Anxiety / Stress – (Work Related) Client
“I was unsure how relevant hypnotherapy would be to my particular issues but had decided to give it a go since I was very curious about it. I am so glad I did. The sessions with Trish felt like a complete treat, something for me. Entering the therapy room was like a welcome escape from everyday life, almost entering into the twilight zone, in the nicest possible way. Suffice to say it was very pleasant, relaxing, enjoyable, restorative. I gained a new perspective and it helped me to come through a really challenging time in my life with a more positive outlook.”
Relationship Issues Client
“Trish is an exceptionally skilled practitioner and she has helped me a lot. In the sessions we have had together she has taken the time to really listen to me and consider the best approach for the issues I was facing. I loved the hypnotherapy which not only made me feel calm and grounded at the time but also gave me the tools to return this feeling when I needed to in my every day life. Trish practices in an intelligent and sensitive way and I would highly recommend her. “
Hazel W, Anxiety issues
“The service was excellent. Trish is a superb practitioner. I found the sessions extremely beneficial and easy to follow. My theme was weight loss and the support Trish offered was over and above what I paid for. Her generosity and dedication to her profession shone through. It was deeply appreciated. I’m still using the emailed worksheets she’s provided for back up and the downloaded recorded sessions. I’m looking forward to Trish starting up a new weight loss group in the near future.”
Caroline H J , Weight Management
“The binge eating has stopped completely. Instead of cakes and biscuits I’ve been eating salads. I couldn’t wait to taste some carrots as soon as I left you the last time…”
Weight Management Client
“At the beginning of the hypnosis session I was thinking that I really didn’t feel all that relaxed – it had been a rush to get there, but as I was listening I started to drift mentally into a dream like state. It felt so pleasant that I just wanted to go with it. And then I slowly came to the surface as if emerging from deep sleep. The time seemed to pass so quickly that I couldn’t believe it had gone dark already when it was still light when we started. Haven’t smoked a cigarette since then, although I sometimes recognised the triggers when I would usually want to smoke, it passed quickly…”
Stop Smoking Client
“I’m pleased to report that the presenting went well and there were even a few comments about how confident I was!”
BWRT for performance anxiety (public speaking)
“Since I had BWRT for my anxiety, it has more or less disappeared. This happened pretty much immediately after the first session, although we did have a couple more sessions to ‘fix’ it in my mind. Before the treatment I was suffering severely with anxiety just about every day. After the BWRT I would say I had an occasional anxious thought, maybe once per week, but nothing in intensity compared to before. When it happened I find it quite easy to get over it using the instructions given. This has also died away now, the anxiety seems like something in the past.”
BWRT, work related anxiety
“Thanks for your help. I felt truly calm and positive after the hypnotherapy sessions and far better placed to deal with everything. It has made a big difference to my week, to spend that time and I also feel that I’ve got the benefit of some new skills that I can use for myself in the future.”
Hypnotherapy, anxiety
“Thanks for the sessions we had together. The mindfulness and BWRT have really helped me with the anxiety I’ve been feeling. Feeling so much better now, thank you very much again.”
Anxiety client
“I took the bull by the horns and took the tube for the first time in nearly 2 years. Just a short journey to start with, but I found it surprisingly easy. So followed it with a longer one, and now I don’t really think about it. Although as you say it’s not exactly pleasant it’s definitely manageable and not too bad. I’m so glad I’ve got over that. So BWRT seems to have worked very well indeed.”
BWRT, Travel related anxiety (trains, tubes)
“Progress Update – yes I can report that the last session worked really well. Not feeling any fear since we worked together, seems to have vanished. I just feel normal now, so thankyou very much for all your help in overcoming this.”
BWRT, Anxiety issues
“I have not smoked since I saw you. I just keep thinking of all the health benefits and the desire for a cigarette is not strong enough. Loved the therapy, it made me feel so positive and happy for the future.”
Hypnotherapy, Stop Smoking
“Going to see Trish to sort out a habit I had developed that was making me feel very anxious was really helpful.
I felt comfortable discussing it with her and it was a relief to do so. Trish made me feel that my problem wasn’t such a big deal & was probably exaggerated within my own mind. She used BWRT therapy which helped get rid of negative thought patterns and looked at imagining a better response to the habit I had developed. She also provided a series of brain exercises that I could do at home which really helped. Thanks Trish!”
BWRT, Work related Anxiety
“I had four hypnotherapy sessions with Trish for eating and weight issues. As a result, my eating habits are much improved, and I have lost a modest amount of weight. I am a very satisfied customer!”
Peter, Weight Management
“Just to let you know I took my first flight in 10 years last week!!! I followed your instructions and I’m sure it helped.”
Flying anxiety client
“I was referred to Trish Marin by a friend for help with a very long standing sleep issue. Having tried all the usual remedies, I decided that having a go at Hypnotherapy could do me no harm.
I had no idea what would be involved but found the whole experience pleasing, relaxing and interesting. It has certainly provided me with another ‘tool’ to assist me and I have experienced a definite improvement after 3 sessions with Trish. I would certainly recommend others try it and hope they would have the same result.”
“Sleep Issues/Insomnia client
“I did find the BWRT helpful. I found that I was able to address a gathering I attended a few days later with ease and confidence…”
Public speaking/Performance anxiety client