Hypnotherapy appointments for Fear of Flying are available at the Highgate Consulting Rooms, West Hill House, Swains Lane, Highgate.
Appointments are also available at the Fierce Grace Therapy Rooms in Kilburn Lane, Queens Park, and at City Road Therapy, City Road, EC1.
Confident Flying is a powerful antidote or treatment for the Fear of Flying or a Flying Phobia.
Would you like to overcome any fears and feel confident that you can manage your journey well? How about feeling so relaxed during the flight that you can avoid jet lag and arrive refreshed at your destination?
Reasons for Flying Fear
Why do people develop a fear of flying? Everyone is unique and there may be a combination of factors. It is often something to do with a feeling of loss of control. Or it may be associated with previous negative experiences or media reports. A lack of information or understanding of the technicalities of the flying process could also contribute.
Once a fear of flying takes root you may find flying uncomfortable. And even avoid it altogether if possible. But in today’s world you will curtail and narrow your experience so much by avoiding flying. There isn’t really a time-efficient alternative to allow you to take those holidays, business trips or occasional visits.
In many cases the anxieties can start long before you get on the flight and are part of the lead up and preparation, the trip to the airport, the security processes and atmosphere before boarding the plane.
How can therapy help?
With hypnotherapy we can explore your individual case. And find out what the issues are for you personally and what factors contribute to flying being an uncomfortable experience. Then we will create powerful associations to make your flying experience comfortable and carefree.
Ideally you would have time for more than one hypnotherapy session before your flight. But even with time for only a single session, there is much that we can do to improve your flying experience.
Imagine being able to approach the flight with confidence. Knowing that whatever takes place, you will take it under your wing. You will be able to enjoy your trip, feeling comfort, success and relaxation.
You can do it!