Trish is a miracle worker! Honestly, I am 33 years old and smoking was the bane of my life. Like most smokers, I hated it but loved and relied on it so much. I really didn’t think the day would come when I would be able to stop and not only that, not even think about it! I had heard so many horror stories of people white knuckling it and I felt defeated even thinking about quitting. I was put in touch with Trish and after one session – I was a non smoker!!
I was cautious even before we started the session but Trish assured me that as long as I was willing, I had a good chance; given the amount of money I spent on cigarettes, I didn’t feel I had anything to lose at this point. It’s been just over 3 months and I have gone from smoking being my number 1 hobby (I am ashamed to admit) to it not even crossing my mind. I can breath easier, I can exercise without getting breathless, wake up in the morning without the gross phlegm and chest pain and more importantly, I can tell myself how proud I am of myself for being a non smoker. It’s the best thing I have ever done and I cannot recommend Trish enough. Her nature is gentle, she is high attuned to her clients’ issues and creates really bespoke solutions – I will always be so grateful!! Thank you, Trish! 🙂